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When you enroll in The Receiving School®, you will experience how to let in the love, abundance, joy, and happiness the Universe is delivering to you on a daily basis.


The Receiving School® blends tactical actions with brain science and spiritual principles to unblock your resistance to receiving on all levels.

And you will be supported every step of the way.

I will be with you every step of the way to answer your specific questions about how to apply this training to your daily life.

Whether that is about how to manifest more money…

Or get people in your life to do more and free up your time...

Or tap into your intuitive gifts.

Hear more from our graduates on how their lives changed…

"There were things that all of a sudden came my way, like people wanting to work with me in a different way that hadn’t occurred to me."

- Shoshanna Hecht


"There were things that all of a sudden came my way, like people wanting to work with me in a different way that hadn’t occurred to me."

- Shoshanna Hecht


"I was in a really really bad place but it came in the right time… be prepared it can get a little confronting because you might be looking in the mirror and this is where the support kicks in because you’re not alone."

- Wendy Wilson

"It’s a brave and supportive community, and Patty is really generous, honest, and grounded as a guide. She led us through exercises and tools that changed my thinking and my awareness. Today, I’m much better at recognizing my resistance behavior so I can release them faster."

- Laura Prisc


"It’s a brave and supportive community, and Patty is really generous, honest, and grounded as a guide. She led us through exercises and tools that changed my thinking and my awareness. Today, I’m much better at recognizing my resistance behavior so I can release them faster."

- Laura Prisc


"I was just feeling pure overwhelm, and then I said, You know, I'm doing this Receiving School. What should I do right now? And I said, You know, I'm gonna ask for help. There is no falling behind, you can do it at your own pace and you... You won't miss anything. "

- Debbie Connor


"There's just certain turning points in your life where you get better, you want better, you expect better for yourself, and you realize you don't have to live the way you're living anymore. "

- Karen Krasnomowitz

Click here to learn more about The Receiving School

"I think it was a combination of me having my own experience, the timing was ripe, but then having you as the guide, and having a support system, it was the trifecta, that’s what I needed."

- Jenny Moore

"I think one thing that came out loud and clear was ‘ask.’ And just having the permission to ask for what you need. So often we feel like we gotta figure it all out and do it all ourselves, well, I learned... just ask."

- Pamela Thompson


"I think one thing that came out loud and clear was ‘ask.’ And just having the permission to ask for what you need. So often we feel like we gotta figure it all out and do it all ourselves, well, I learned... just ask."

- Pamela Thompson


"I kept doing the work and kept following the inspired action and the 18 thousand came from the most unexpected source."

- Allysson Scammell

"What happened was I received the tools to help me have more life in my life - more ease, with that, came more abundance, came more clients, came more money."

- Jen Liddy


"What happened was I received the tools to help me have more life in my life - more ease, with that, came more abundance, came more clients, came more money."

- Jen Liddy


"It’s just so easy, and the little steps and things that you do, that you work on just feel really practical and really common sense and all of a sudden three weeks into it [you’re] going holy cow this is kind of working out."

- Phyllis Nichols

Ready to open up to greater receiving and make massive shifts in your life? Enroll now!

Join The Receiving SchoolĀ®!

Have questions?

Click here for more details or contact me directly.

Email: [email protected]
Phone and text: ā€Ŗ(203) 513-9716