Success Story #1
How to Trust the Process with Lou Bortone
What would you do if I told you that the answer to your current challenge was to take 4 weeks away from your life? Would you tell me I was crazy and I just didn’t understand how impossible that would be?
If so, you are like many, many people I have offered that advice to. In fact, Lou Bortone is one of those people and I think his journey may interest you.
In the early part of 2020 Lou reached out to me when things started slowing down in his business. His instinct was to do more. I suggested he take a month away, he was skeptical, but he did it anyway. He went to a cabin in the woods with no internet or phone. He took notebooks for journaling and gave himself some space.
And things changed drastically for him.
Success Story #2
When You Have No Choice but to Surrender with Shari Teigman
Last year a good friend of mine, Shari Teigman, was getting ready to fly home to New York after visiting her parents in Florida when her mother asked her not to go. Normally she would have laughed off her mother’s insistence that she stay just a little while longer but her mom said something that stopped Shari in her tracks.
Success Story #3
The Journey from Rejection to Receiving with Jen Liddy
My guest on this week’s podcast, Jen Liddy, shares her own journey with the Rejected Self work. She explains how she stopped focusing on being perfect and instead embraced being happy. Doing her inner work is why she can share so much of her work and her story today.
Jen does a great job of explaining what happens when we try to avoid doing the hard work of embracing ourselves fully.
Success Story #4
Learning to Receive What I Didn't Want
Joanna shares that a few years ago she struggled to make a list of 21 things that she really wanted. She realized that some of the things she wanted felt out of reach, or impossible for her to receive.
Then the most surprising thing happened. Something she wanted “accidentally” appeared.
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